Legal Term Dictionary

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    In English law. The name of a writ issuing out of the king's bench or chancery for taking sureties of the peace. It is commonly directed to the justices of the peace, when they are averse to acting in the affair in their judicial capacity. 4 Bl. Comm. 253.
    Lat In the civil law. Punishment; corporal punishment for crime. Death was called "ultimum supplicium" the last or extreme penalty.
    In English law. The "suppiles" in parliamentary proceedings signify the sums of money which are annually voted by the house of commons for the maintenance of the crown and the various public services. Jacob; Brown.
    Persons appointed to levy the land-tax in Scotland, and to cause a valuation roll to be annually made up, and to perform other duties in their respective counties. Bell.
    In English law. All bills which relate to the public income or expenditure must originate with the house of commons, and all bills authorizing expenditure of the public money are based upon resolutions moved in a committee of supply, which is always a committee of the whole house. Wharton.
    v. To support a rule or order is to argue in answer to the arguments of the party who has shown cause against a rule or order.
    n. The right of support is an easement consisting in the privilege of resting the joints or beams of one's house upon, or inserting their ends into, the wall of an adjoining house belonging to another owner. It may arise either from contract or prescription. 3 Kent, Comm. 436. Support More...
    Lat. Suppression or concealment of the truth. "It is a rule of equity, as well as of law, that a suppressio veri is equivalent to a suggestio falsi; and where either the suppression of the truth or the suggestion of what is false can be proved, in a fact material More...
    Lat. Above; upon. This word occurring by itself In a book refers the reader to a previous part of the book, like "ante;" it is also the initial word of several Latin phrases. -Supra protest. See PROTEST.-Supra-riparian. Upper riparian; higher up the stream. This term is applied to the estate, More...
    The state of being supreme, or in the highest station of power; paramount authority; sovereignty; sovereign power. -Act of supremacy. The English statute 1 Ells, c 1, whereby the supremacy and autonomy: of the crown in spiritual or ecclesiastical matters was declared and established.-Oath of supremacy. An oath to uphold More...
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