Legal Term Dictionary

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    The highest authority in a state, all other powers in it being inferior thereto.
    Lat. Last; the last. Supremus est qnem nemo sequitar. He is last whom no one follows. Dig. 50,16, 92.
    A court of high powers and extensive jurisdiction, existing in most of the states. In some it is the official style of the chief appellate court or court of last resort In others (as New Jersey and New York) the supreme court is a court of general original jurisdiction, possessing More...
    The court formed by the English judicature act 1873, (as modified by the judicature act 1875, the appellate jurisdiction act, 1876; and the judicature acts of 1877, 1879, and 1881,) in substitution for the various sultrier courts of law, equity, admiralty, probate, and divorce, existing when the act was passed, More...
  • SUR
    Fr. On; upon; over. In the titles of real actions "sur" was used to point out what the writ was founded upon. Thna, a real action brought by the owner of a reversion or seigniory, in certain cases where his tenant repudiated his tenure, was called "a writ of right More...
    n. an over charge, an exaction, Impost, or incumbrance beyond what is just and right, or beyond one's authority or power. "Surcharge" may mean a second or further mortgage. Wharton.
    v. To put more cattle upon a common than the herbage will sustain or than the party has a right to do. 3 Bl. .Comm. 237. In equity practice. To show that a particular item, in favor of the party surcharging, ought to have been included, but was not, in More...
    Lat. In the civil law. Deaf; a deaf person. Inst 2, 12, 3. Surdua ei tnutua, a deaf and dumb person.
    In French law. A party desirous of repurchasing property at auction before the court can, by offering one-tenth or one-sixth, according to the case, in addition to the price realized at the sale, oblige the property to be put up once more at auction. This bid upon a bid is More...
    The contract of suretyship is that whereby one obligates himself to pay the debt of another In consideration of credit or indulgence, or other benefit given to his principal, the principal remaining bound therefor. It differs from a guaranty in this: that the consideration of the latter is a benefit More...
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