Legal Term Dictionary

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    The name which was usually given to the fictitious lessee of the plaintiff in the mixed action of ejectment He was sometimes called "Goodtitle." So the Romans had their fictitious personages in law proceedings, as Titlus, Seiu*.
    Joining or coupling together; uniting two or more constituents or elements in one; uniting with another person in some legal step or proceeding. -Joinder in demnrrer. When a defendant in an action tenders an issue of law, (called a "demurrer,") the plaintiff, if he means to maintain his action, must More...
    United; combined; undivided; done by or against two or more unitedly; shared by or between two or more. A "joint" bond, note, or other obligation is one in which the obligors or makers (being two or more in number) bind themselves jointly but not severally, and which must therefore be More...
    Acting together or In eon-cert or co-operation; holding in common or interdependently, not separately. Reclamation Dist. v. Parvln, 67 Cal. 501, 8 Pac. 48; Gold & Stock Tel. Co. v. Commercial Tel. Co. (C. C.) 23 Fed. 342; Case v. Owen, 139 Ind. 22, 38 N. E. 395, 47 Am. More...
    A woman who has an estate settled on her by her husband, to hold during her life, if she survive him. Co. Litt 46.
    A freehold estate in lands or tenements secured to the wife, and to take effect on the decease of the husband, and to continue during her life at the least, unless she be herself the cause of its de* termination. Vance v. Vance, 21 Me 869. A competent livelihood of More...
    In old English law. Land where rushes grow. Co. Litt. 5a,
    In old English law. Aa much land as could be plowed in one day. Spelman.
  • JOUR
    A French word, signifying "day." It is used in our old law-books; as "tout jours" forever. -Jew ea banc. A day in banc. Distinguished from "jour en pay*,9' (a day in the country,) otherwise called "jour en nisi prius."-Jour in oonrt. In old practice. Day in court: day to appear More...
    A daily book; a book in which entries are made or events recorded from day to day. In maritime law, the journal (otherwise called "log" or "log-book") is a book kept on every vessel, which contains a brief record of the events and occurrences of each day of a voyage, More...
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