Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    The original signification of this word was a day's travel. It is now applied to a travel by land from place to place, without restriction of time. But, when thus applied, it is employed to designate a travel which is without the ordinary habits, business, or duties of the person, More...
    In English law. Regrators of yarn. 8 Hen. VL c. 5.
    A workman hired by the -day, or other given time. Hart v. Ald-ridge, 1 Cowp. 56; Butler v. Clark, 46 Ga. 468.
    In English practice. The name of a writ (now obsolete) which might be sued out where a former writ had abated without the plaintiff's fault The length of time allowed for taking it out depended on the length of the journey the party must make to reach the court; whence More...
    Lat In the civil law. To order, direct or command. Calvin. The word jubeo, (I order,) in a will, was called a "word of direction," as distinguished from "precatory words." Cod. 6, 43, 2. To assure or promise. To decree or pass a law.
    In Spanish law. The privilege of a public officer to be retired, on account of infirmity or disability, retaining the rank and pay of his office (or part of the same) after twenty years of public service, and on reaching the age of fifty.
    Lat A Jew.
    The religion and rites of the Jews. Du Cange. A quarter set apart for residence of Jews. A usurious rate of interest. 1 Mon. Angl. 839; 2 Mon. Angl. 10,665. Sex marcus sterlingorum ad oc-quietandam terram prcsdictum de Judaismo, in quo fuit impignorata. Du Cange. An income anciently accruing to More...
    Lat. Zn Roman law. A private person appointed by the prastor, with the consent of the parties, to try and decide a cause or action commenced before him. He received from the praetor a written formula Instructing him as to.the legal principles a^?ordlng to which the action was to be More...
    A public officer, appointed to preside and to administer the law in a court of justice; the chief member of a court, and charged with the control of proceedings and the decision of questions of law or. discretion. Todd v. U. S., 158 U, S. 278, 15 Sup. Ct. 889, More...
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