Legal Term Dictionary

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    Lat In Roman law. The legal relation existing between two certain persons whereby one (the creditor) is authorised to demand of the other (the debtor) a certain performance which has a money value. In this sense obligatio signifles not only the duty of the debtor, but also the right of More...
    An obligation is a legal duty, by which a person is bound to do or not to do a certain thing. Civ. Code Cel. 11427; Civ. Code Dak. 798. The binding power of a TOW, promise, oath, or contract, or of law, civil* political or moral, Independent of a promise; More...
    The term "writing obligatory" Is a technical term of the law, and means a written contract under seal. Watson v. Hoge, 7 Yerg. (Tenn.) 850.
    The person in favor of whom some obligation is contracted, whether such obligation be to pay money or to do or not to do something. Code La. art. 3522, no. 1L The party to whom a bond is given.
    The person who has engaged to perform some obligation. Code La. art 3522, no. 12. One who makes a bond.
    Lat In the old law of descents. Oblique; cross; transverse; collateral. The opposite of rectus, right, or upright. In tbe law of evidenoe. Indirect; circumstantial.
    Erasure or blotting out of written words. Obliteration is not limited to effacing the letters of a will or scratching them out or blotting them so completely that they cannot be read. A line drawn through the writing is obliteration, though it may leave It as legible as it was More...
    To expose one to "obloquy" is to expose him to censure and reproach, as the latter terms are synonymous with "obloquy." Bettner v. Holt, 70 Cal. 275, 11 Pac. 716.
  • OBRA
    In Spanish law. Work. Obras, works or trades; those which men carry on in houses or covered places. White, New Recop. b. 1, tit 5, c 3, ( 6.
    Lat. The obtaining a thing by fraud or surprise. Calvin. Called, in Scotch law, "obreption."
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