Legal Term Dictionary

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    n. This term "includes whatever is presented to the mind, as well as what may be presented to the senses; whatever,1 also, is acted upon, or operated upon, affirmatively, or Intentionally influenced by anything done, moved, or applied thereto." Woodruff, J., Wells v. Shook, 8 Blatchf. 257, Fed. Cas. No. More...
    The act of a party who objects to some matter or proceeding in the course of a trial, (see OBJECT) or an argument or reason urged by him in support of his contention that the matter or proceeding objected to is Improper or illegal.
    In old English law.; Scolds or unquiet women, punished with the cucking-stool.
    Gifts or offerings made to the king by any of his subjects.; old debts, brought, as it were, together from preceding years, and put on the present sheriff's charge. Wharton.
    Half an acre, or, as some say, half a perch, of land. Spelman.
    In old European law. Voluntary slaves of churches or monasteries.
    In the civil law. An action given to a party against another who had offered to him a stolen thing, which was found in his possession. Inst 3,1,4.
    Lat In the civil law. A tender of money in payment of a debt made by debtor to creditor. Whatever is offered to the church by the pious. Calvin. Oblationes dicnntur quscnnque a pils ftdeUbnsqne Chrlstianis oifernntur Deo et eoeleaisft, sive res solidss sive mobiles 2 Inst 380. Those things More...
    or obventions, are offerings or customary payments made, in England, to the ominister of a church, including fees on marriages, burials, mortuaries, etc., (q. v.) and Easter offerings. 2 Steph. Comm. 740; BhUllm. Ecc. Law, 1606. They may be commuted by agreement.
    To hind or constrain; to bind to the observance or performance of a duty ; to place under an obligation. To bind one's self by an obligation or promise; to assume a duty; to execute a written promise or covenant; to make a writing obligatory. Wachter v. Famachon, 62 Wis. More...
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