Legal Term Dictionary

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    Consisting in real estate or land; having an estate in land. -Landed estate. See ESTATE.-Landed estates oonrt. The court which deals with the transfer of land and the creation of title thereto in Ireland.-Landed property. Real estate in general, or sometimes, by local usage, suburban or rural land, as distinguished More...
    A landlord; a lord of the soil.
    Sax. In old English law. A kind of customary tenant or inferior tenant of a manor. Spelman.
    A name formerly given, to those who executed justice on behalf of the German emperors, with regard to the Internal policy of the country. It was applied, by way of eminence, to those sovereign princes of the empire who possessed by inheritance certain estates called "land-gravates" of which they received More...
    In old Scotch law. A measurer of land. Skene.
    A place on a river or other navigable water for lading and unlading goods, or for the reception and delivery of passengers; the terminus of a road on a river or other navigable water, for the use of travelers, and the loading and unloading of goods. State v. Randall, 1 More...
    in Saxon law. Services and duties laid upon all that helH land, including the three obligations called "trfao da nccessitas," (q. t?.;) quasi land rights. Cowell.
    An expression sometimes applied to a piece of land belonging to one person and surrounded by land belonging to other persons, so that it cannot be approached except over their land. L. R. 13 Ch. Div. 70S; Sweet
    He of whom lands or ten^ ements are holden. He who, being the own" er of an estate in land, has leased the same for a term of years, on a rent reserved, to another person, called the "tenant" Jackson v. Harsen, 7 Cow. (N. Y.) 326, 17 Am. Dec. More...
    A monument or erection set up on the boundary line of two adjoining-estates, to fix such boundary. The removing of a landmark is a wrong for which an action lies.
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