Legal Term Dictionary

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    In criminal law, furthering, helping forward, promotion, or advancement of a criminal project or conspiracy. Powers v. Comm., 114 Ky. 237, 70 S. W. 652.
    In old English law. Stealthily ; by stealth. Fleta, lib. 1, c. 38, s 3.
    Lat. Theft. The fraudulent appropriation to one's self of the property of another, with an Intention to commit theft without the consent of the owner. Fleta, 1. 1, c. 36; Bract fol. 150; 3 Inst 107. The thing which has been stolen. Bract, fol. 151. -Furtum conceptum. In Roman law. More...
    In old English law. A beating with sticks or clubs; one of the ancient kinds of punishment of malefactors. Bract fol. 104b, lib. 3, tr. 1, c. 6.
    In old English law. A staff, used in making livery of seisin. Bract, fol. 40. A baton, club, or cudgel.
    In Scotch law. A debt which is created, but which will not become due till a future day. 1 Bell, Comm. 315.
    See ESTATE.
    This term has grown out of those purely speculative transactions, in which there is a rominal contract of sale for future delivery, but where in fact none is ever intended or executed. The nominal seller does not have or expect to have the stock or merchandise he purports to sell, More...
    Lat. Those who are to be. Part of the commencement of old deeds. "Sciant prcesentes et futuri, quod ego talis, dedi et concessi" etc., (Let all men now living and to come know that I, A. B., have, etc.) Bract, fol. 345.
    A Celtic word, meaning a wood or forest.
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