Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    Average; the loss and damage suffered in the course of a navigation. Poth. Mar. Louage, 105.
    A certain quantity of oats paid by a tenant to his landlord as rent, or in lieu of some other duties.
    A mischance causing the death of a man, as where a person is suddenly drowned or killed by any accident, without felony. Co. Litt 391.
  • AVER
    L. Fr. To have. —Aver et tener. In old conveyancing. To have and to hold.
  • AVER,
    v. In pleading. To declare or assert; to set out distinctly and formally; to allege. In old pleading. To avouch or verify. Litt. §691; Co. Litt 362b. To make or prove true; to make good or justify a plea.
  • AVER,
    n. In old English and French. Property; substance, estate, and particularly live stock or cattle; hence a working beast; a horse or bullock. —Aver corn. A rent reserved to religious houses, to be paid by their tenants in corn. —Aver land. In feudal law. Land plowed by the tenant for More...
    A medium, a mean proportion. In old English law. A service by horse or carriage, anciently due by a tenant to his lord. Cowell. A labor or service performed with working cattle, horses, or oxen, or with wagons and carriages. Spelman. Stubble, or remainder of straw and grass left in More...
    In old English law. This term was applied to working cattle, such as horses, oxen. etc. —Averia carrucae. Beasts of the plow.— Averiis captis in withernam. A writ granted to one whose cattle were unlawfully distrained by another and driven out of the county in which they were taken, so More...
    In pleading. A positive statement of facts, in opposition to argument or inference. 1 Chit. PL 320. In old pleading. An offer to prove a plea, or pleading. The concluding part of a plea, replication, or other pleading, containing new affirmative matter, by which the party offers or declares himself More...
    In feudal law. A duty required from some customary tenants, to carry goods in a wagon or upon loaded horses.
Showing 1320 of 1352