Legal Term Dictionary

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    An opening made in the wall of a house to admit light and air, and to furnish a view or prospect The use of this word in law Is chiefly In connection with the doctrine of ancient lights and other rights of adjacent owners. Window tax . A tax on More...
    A royal forest founded by Henry VIII.
    An occasional circuit appointed for the trial of prisoners, in England, and in some cases of civil causes between Michaelmas and Hilary terms.
    The season between 11th November and 23d April, which is excepted from the liberty of commonlng in certain forests. St. 23 Car. II. c. 3.
    The name given to a code /of maritime laws promulgated at Wisby, then the capital of Gothland, in Swe-den, in the latter part of the thirteenth cen-tury. This compilation resembled the laws of Oleron in many respects, and was early adopted, as a system of sea laws, by the commercial More...
    In Saxon law. Half a hide of land, or sixty acres.
  • WIT
    To know; to learn; to be informed. Used only in the infinitive, to wit, which term is equivalent to "that is to say," "namely," or "videlicet."
    The purgation from an offense by the oath of the requisite number of witnesses.
    In Saxon law. Wise men; persons of information, especially in the laws; the king's advisers; members of the king's council; the optimates, or principal men of the kingdom. 1 Spence, Eq. Jur. 11, note.
    Under Sts. 83 Hen. VIII. c. 8, and 1 JaC I. c. 12, the offense of Witchcraft, or supposed intercourse with evil spirits, was punishable with death. These acts were not repealed till 1736. 4 Bl. Comm. 60, 61.
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