Legal Term Dictionary

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    In old English law. A cancelling. Bract 398b.
    The rails or lattice work or balusters inclosing the bar of a court of justice or the communion table. Also the lines drawn on the face of a will or other writing, with the intention of revoking or annulling it. See CANCEL.
    A person who offers himself, or is presented by others, to be elected to an office. Derived from the Latin Candidas, (white,) because in Rome it was tbe custom for those who sought office to clothe themselves in white garments. One who seeks or aspires to some office or privilege, More...
    In English law. A festival appointed by the church to be observed on the second day of February in every year, in honor of the purification of the Virgin Mary, being forty days after her miraculous delivery. At this festival, formerly, the Protestants went, and the Papists now go, in More...
    In old records. A trial by hot iron, formerly used in England. Whishaw.
    1. A law, rule, or ordinance in general, and of the church in particular. An ecclesiastical law or statute. —Canon law. A body of ecclesiastical jurisprudence which, in countries where the Roman Catholic church is established, is composed of maxims and rules drawn from patristic sources, ordinances and decrees of More...
    Pertaining to, or in conformity to, the canons of the church. —Canonical obedience. That duty which a clergyman owes to the bishop who ordained him, to the bishop in whose diocese he is beneficed, and also to the metropolitan of such bishop. Wharton.
    In old English law. A canon. Fleta, lib. 2, c. 69, § 2.
    One versed and skilled in the canon law; a professor of ecclesiastical law.
    In English ecclesiastical law. An ecclesiastical benefice, attaching to the office of canon. Holthouse.
Showing 90 of 1636