Legal Term Dictionary

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    L. Lat (Burglariously.) In old criminal pleading. A necessary word in indictments for burglary.
    In criminal law. The breaking and entering the house of another in the night-time, with Intent to commit a felony therein, whether the felony be actually committed or not Anderson v. State, 43 Ala. 666, 17 Am. Rep. 36; Benson v. Mc-Mahon, 127 U. £. 457, 8 Sup. Ct 1240, More...
    The title given in Germany to the chief executive officer of a borough, town, or city; corresponding to our "mayor."
    A burgess, (q. v.)
    Sepulture; the act of interring dead human bodies. See Lay v. State, 12 Ind. App. 362, 39 N. E. 768; In re Reformed, etc, Church, 7 How. Prac. (N. Y.) 476; Cemetery Ass'n v. Assessors, 37 La. Ann. 35.
    Murder committed with the object of selling the cadaver for purposes of dissection, particularly and originally, by suffocating or strangling the victim. So named from William Burke, a notorious practitioner of this crime, who was hanged at Edinburgh in 1829. It is said that the first instance of his name More...
    In Scotch law. Laws made by neighbors elected by common consent in the burlaw courts. Skene. -Burlaw courts. Courts consisting of neighbors selected by common consent to act as judges in determining disputes between neighbor and neighbor.
  • BURN
    To consume with fire. The verb "to burn," in an indictment for arson, is to be taken in its common meaning of "to consume with fire." Hester v. State, 17 Ga. 130.
    As used in policies of insurance, this term does not mean any fluid which will burn, but it means a recognized article of commerce, called by that name, and which is a different article from naphtha or kerosene. Putnam v. Insurance Co. (C. C.) 4 Fed. 764; Wheeler v. Insurance More...
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