Legal Term Dictionary

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    The surrender, relinquishment, disclaimer, or cession of property or of rights. Stephens v. Mansfield, 11 Cal. 363; Dikes v. Miller, 24 Tex. 417; Middle Creek Ditch Co. v. Henry, 15 Mont 558, 39 Pac. 1054. The giving up a thing absolutely, without reference to any particular person or purpose, as More...
    In the civil law. The act of a person who was sued in a noxal action, i. e., for a tort or trespass committed by his slave or his animal, in relinquishing and abandoning the slave or animal to the person injured, whereby he saved himself from any further responsibility. More...
    Anything sequestered, proscribed, or abandoned. Abandon, i.e. in bannum res missa, a thing banned or denounced as forfeited or lost, whence to abandon, desert, or forsake, as lost and gone. Cowell.
    Lat. To detect or discover, and disclose to a magistrate, any secret crime. Leges Canuti, cap. 10.
    L. Lat In old English law. An abatement of freehold; an entry upon lands by way of interposition between the death of the ancestor and the entry of the heir. Oo. Litt. 277a; Yel. 151.
    In pleading. The effect produced upon an action at law, when the defendant pleads matter of fact showing the writ or declaration to be defective and incorrect. This defeats the action for the time being, but the plaintiff may proceed with it after the defect is removed, or may recommence More...
    The removal, prostration, or destruction of that which causes a nuisance, whether by breaking or pulling it down, or otherwise removing, disintegrating, or effacing it. Ruff v. Phillips, 50 Ga. 130. The remedy which the law allows a party injured by a nuisance of destroying or removing it by his More...
    This takes place where a person dies seised of an inheritance, and, before the heir or devisee enters, a stranger, having no right, makes a wrongful entry, and gets possession of it. Such an entry is technically called an "abatement" and the stranger an "abator." It is, in fact a More...
    In real property law, a stranger who, having no right of entry, contrives to get possession of an estate of freehold, to the prejudice of the heir or devisee, before the latter can enter, after the ancestor's death. Litt 5 397. In the law of torts, one who abates, prostrates, More...
    Anything diminished. Moneta abatuda is money clipped or diminished in value. Cowell; Dufresne.
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