Legal Term Dictionary

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    In patent law, either a trial of an uncompleted mechanical structure to ascertain what changes or additions may be necessary to make it accomplish the design of the projector, or a trial of a completed machine to test or illustrate its practical efficiency. In the former case, the inventor's efforts, More...
    Persons examined as witnesses in a cause, who testify in regard to some professional or technical matter arising in the case, and who are permitted to give their opinions as to such matter on account of their special training, skill, or familiarity with it. An expert is a person who More...
    In the civil law. To spoil; to rob or plunder. Applied to inheritances. Dig. 47, 19; Cod. 9, 32.
    In the civil law. The offense of unlawfully appropriating goods belonging to a succession. It is not technically theft (furtum) because such property no longer belongs to the decedent, nor to the heir, since the latter has not yet taken possession.
    In the civil law. A robber; a spoiler or plunderer. Expilatores sunt atrociores fures. Dig. 47, 18, 1, 1.
    Cessation; termination from mere lapse of time; as the expiration of a lease, or statute, and the like. Marshall v. Rugg, 6 Wyo. 270, 45 Pac. 480, 33 L. It A. 679; Bowman v. Foot, 29 Conn. 338; Stuart v. Hamilton, 66 111. 255; Farn-um v. Piatt, 8 Pick. (Mass.) More...
    In Scotch law and practice. Expiration of the period within which an adjudication may be redeemed, by paying the debt in the decree of adjudication. Bell.
    See ESPLEES.
    In old records. The rents and profits of an estate.
    In the civil law. The fourth pleading; equivalent to the surrejoinder of the common law. Calvin.
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