Legal Term Dictionary

Search our free database of thousands of legal terms. The easiest-to-read, most user-friendly guide to legal terms.This dictionary is from the early 20th century and is not to be construed as legal advice.

    The expression of the monopoly of Oxford, Cambridge, and the royal printers to publish the Bible. Cam quod ago nom valet nt ago, valeat quantum valere potest. 4 Kent, Comm. 493. When that which I do is of no effect as I do it, it shall have as much effect More...
    L. Lat. With the will annexed. A term applied to administration granted where a testator makes an incomplete will, without naming any executors, or where he names Incapable persons, or where the executors named refuse to act 2 Bl. Comm. 603, 504.
    Additional; heaping up; increasing; forming an aggregate. The word signifies that two things are to be added together, instead of one being a repetition or in substitution of the other. People v. Superior Court 10 Wend. (N. Y.) 285; Regina v. Eastern Archipelago Co., 18 Eng. Law & Eq. 183. More...
    In Spanish law. Affinity; alliance; relation by marriage. Las Partidas, pt 4, tit. 6, 1, 5.
    A coiner. Du Cange. Ctone are, to coin. Cuncus, the die with which to coin. Cuneata, coined. Du Cange; Spelman.
    In old English law. A kind of trial, as appears from Bract lib. 4, tract 8, ca. 18, and tract 4, ca. 2, where it seems to mean, one by the ordinary jury.
  • CUR.
    A common abbreviation of curia.
  • CURA
    Lat Care: charge; oversight: guardianship. In the civil law. A species of guardianship which commenced at the age of puberty, (when the guardianship called "tutela" expired,) and continued to the completion of the twenty-fifth year. Inst 1, 23, pr.; Id. 1, 25, pr.; Hallifax, Civil Law> b. 1, c 9.
    One who takes care of a thing.
    In ecclesiastical law. Properly, an incumbent who has the cure of souls, but now generally restricted to signify the spiritual assistant of a rector or vicar in his cure. An officiating temporary minister in the English church, who represents the proper incumbent; being regularly employed either to serve in his More...
Showing 1570 of 1636