Profile of Darrell York

(4 Reviews Posted) (Criminal Defense; DUI Defense, Los Angeles County, Ventura County, Criminal Defense Attorney)      Write a Review
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Law Offices of Darrell J. York

27240 Turnberry Lane, Suite 200
Valencia, CA 91355
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Firm/Attorney Description

Darrell York worked as a police officer for a municipal agency in Los Angeles County from 1980-2004. He was assigned to the DUI task force for over 2 years and made approximately 1000 DUI arrests in his 24 years on the department. He worked as a narcotic agent from 1987-1993 and attended the Department of Justice, Bureau of Narcotics narcotic investigator course. He worked both street narcotic enforcement, vice unit and major narcotics detail. He was also a member of the L.A. Impact Task Force which is a regional narcotic task force concentrating on major narcotic traffickers. Mr. York has authored well over 100 narcotic related search warrants and worked undercover narcotics. He has testified on numerous occasions as a DUI expert and drug expert in the Los Angeles Superior Court and before the Ventura County Grand Jury. He was also a field training officer and trained and evaluated newly hired officers in the administration of field sobriety tests and DUI enforcement. Mr. York was promoted to Sergeant and was the Internal Affairs Sergeant at the time of his retirement in 2004. Mr. York attended law school while he was working as a police officer. He was admitted to practice law in 1990 and started out in family law and personal injury. He has represented hundreds of clients in family law matters and has argued cases before the California Court of Appeals. Mr. York has also successfully represented numerous clients in automobile collisions, bicycle accidents, slip and falls, dog bites and other miscellaneous injuries. In 2006 he began focusing on criminal defense. During his tenure he has represented well over 500 individuals charged with various crimes including manslaughter, rape, felony assaults, robbery, burglary, fraud, theft, embezzlement, sex crimes, prostitution, lewd conduct, and narcotic offenses. In addition, he has handled well over 400 DUI cases and approximately 200 DMV hearings. He is a member of the California DUI Lawyers Association. Mr. York has received training and is certified on the breath testing device used by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (Datamaster 5000) and has received training in the field of gas chromatography (device used for analyzing blood samples).

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     145601
Practicing Law Since     1990

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  •     Nice 10
    Arrell York worked as a police officer for a municipal agency in Los Angeles County from 1980-2004. He was assigned to the DUI task force for over 2 years and made approximately 1000 DUI arrests in his 24 years on the department. very good thanks [mapquest driving directions]( free map online Posted by : Jenni   On: 03 Oct 2024
  •     You Can Trust: A Top-Notch Attorney 10
    I had an excellent experience working with Darrell York. His extensive background as a police officer and his legal expertise truly set him apart. He handled my geometry dash case with professionalism and dedication, ensuring I understood every step of the process. Darrell's deep knowledge of DUI and criminal defense made me feel confident and secure. I highly recommend him to anyone in need of a reliable attorney! Posted by : Caddywampus   On: 17 Oct 2024
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