Profile of Theresa Daniels

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Daniels Law, P.A.

13180 N Cleveland Avenue
North Fort Myers, Florida 33903
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Firm/Attorney Description

Theresa Daniels is a Lee County native who is now giving back to her community as a dedicated and compassionate family law attorney in Fort Myers. She has a long history of providing her clients with down-to-earth legal counsel as they deal with some of the most difficult moments in their lives. The Florida family law court system can be complex, and Theresa serves as a trusted guide who can help simplify the process and help you figure out your ultimate goals for a case. Before founding Daniels Law, P.A., Theresa helped people file for social security benefits, fight for their deserved workers’ comp benefits, and appeal denied benefit claims. She now focuses her practice on divorce, adoptions, paternity, domestic violence, and other family law issues. Call her firm today to schedule a consultation.

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Attorney Bar Number     84113
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