Profile of J.S. Lucas Fleming

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The Fleming Law Group, P.A.

2701 Fifth Avenue North
St. Petersburg, FL 33713
Phone:(727) 202-4858
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Firm/Attorney Description

Lucas Fleming is the founder of Fleming Law Group, and a skilled criminal defense lawyer in St. Petersberg. He obtained his law degree from the Stetson University College of Law and has practiced criminal law for nearly 25 years as both a prosecutor and defense attorney. Fleming is a fervent advocate of reformation over incarceration. He has represented many clients suffering from addiction and mental disorders, and has convinced courts that rehabilitation and treatment would serve them better than a prison sentence. Mr. Fleming is also the founder of Lawyers for Literacy, a non-profit organization that helps disadvantaged children pass the FCAT. Lawyers for Literacy was created to keep kids out of the juvenile criminal system after studies showed a link between illiteracy and early criminal activity.

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Attorneys in Firm     2
Attorney Bar Number     0884200
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