Profile of David Fuchs

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Law Offices of David I. Fuchs

8 SE 8th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Phone:(954) 568-3636
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Firm/Attorney Description

Ft. Lauderdale personal injury attorney David I. Fuchs is known for the extensive care and focuses that he brings to the courtroom. David has 30 years of legal experience under his belt and can confidently combat any insurance company to get the compensation that we know you deserve. While boating, riding a bike, or even just walking on the street, it is possible to become seriously injured due to someone else’s incompetence. These are the kind of situations that we understand fully because our firm’s philosophy is to treat every case as if it were our own. .

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     919628
Practicing Law Since    

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