(Bankruptcy, foreclosure, chapter 7 bankruptcy, chapter 13 bankruptcy, stop foreclosure, foreclosure law, bankruptcy law, foreclosure prevention, stopping foreclosure, bankruptcy protection, bankruptcy attorney, bankruptcy lawyer, fort worth bankruptcy att)
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Founded in 1986, our law firm has represented literally thousands of people in North Texas to protect their homes and other assets from creditors. Through the powerful protection of bankruptcy, you can keep your home and eliminate unsecured debt if you qualify for a discharge. Through the time that our firm has helped clients receive bankruptcy protection, we have always sought to provide the caring, compassionate, yet also efficient and experienced legal representation that clients need. We will tell you how it is, we will not sugar coat the truth, but we will give you hope through the protection of bankruptcy if we are in a position to do so. Call our office at 817-527-8900 if you're looking for a fresh start and to protect your home from foreclosure in Fort Worth, or throughout the DFW metroplex.
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Accident Law Basics, Motorcycle Accident Law, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents, Wrongful Death and
Bankruptcy Law Basics, Consumer Bankruptcy, Business Bankruptcy, Debt & Collections, Credit Problems and
Business Law Basics, Starting A Business, Types of Businesses, Naming A Business and
Child Custody Law Basics, Child Custody Procedure, Child Visitation, Father’s Rights, Modifying A Child Order and
Child Support Basics, Child Support Calculation, Failure to Pay Child Support, Modifying Child Support, and
Criminal Law Basics, Arrests and Searches, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving, Marijuana Laws, Juvenile Laws and
Drunk Driving Law Basics, DUI Checkpoints, DUI Testing, DUI Defenses and
Employment/ Labor Law Basics, Hiring & Firing, Wage & Hour, Job Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, Workers Compensation and
Estate Planning Basics, Elder Law, Living Wills, Probate, Trusts, Wills, and
Family Law Basics, Adoption, Divorce Law, Child Custody, Child Support, Spousal Support, Marriage and
Immigration Law Basics, Asylum, Citizenship, Green Cards, Permanent Residents, Visas and
Personal Injury Law Basics, Defective Products, Dangerous Drugs, Property Damage and
Real Estate Law Basics, Commercial Real Estate, Foreclosure, Landlord Tenants, Mortgages, Residential Real Estate, Zoning and
Real Estate Law Basics, Commercial Real Estate, Foreclosure, Landlord Tenants, Mortgages, Residential Real Estate, Zoning and
Social Security Law Basics, Applying for Benefits, Eligibility and
Traffic Law Basics, License Suspension, Traffic Court, Traffic Violations and