(Fort Worth Criminal Defense Attorneys, DWI, Sexual Assault, Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers. Board Certified in Criminal Law.)
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Leticia “Letty” Martinez is a Board Certified Criminal Law specialist who has extensive experience handling state and federal criminal cases, including allegations of sexual abuse, intoxication-related offenses and violent crimes. Prior to becoming a partner at the Fort Worth criminal defense firm of Varghese Summerett, Letty established a name for herself as both a state and federal prosecutor. She began her service as a misdemeanor prosecutor at the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office but quickly moved up the prosecutorial ladder. Over the next decade, she served in almost every unit and division within the District Attorney's Office, including Juvenile, Crimes Against Children, Gang and Family Violence. Above all else, Letty Martinez is a seasoned trial attorney who has tried more than 100 cases before Texas juries, including capital murders, murders, robberies, assaults, sexual assaults, and other aggravated felonies. She is experienced in all areas of criminal litigation.
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