(Santa Barbara Personal Injury Attorney, Auto Accident Lawyer)
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Mr. Kastenek understands that a legal process can be overbearing, and believes that a candid, open line of communication between attorney and client is pivotal to the outcome of your personal injury claim. Being born of the central coast and attending school in Santa Barbara, Mr. Kastenek offers a unique cultural understanding of our social and legal communities. Having been in practice since 2008, Mr. Kastenek also brings a professional ability to deliver legal services at a high level without the strict, stale setting of a large firm.
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Accident Law Basics, Motorcycle Accident Law, Car Accidents, Construction Accidents, Slip and Fall Accidents, Wrongful Death and
Bankruptcy Law Basics, Consumer Bankruptcy, Business Bankruptcy, Debt & Collections, Credit Problems and
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Criminal Law Basics, Arrests and Searches, Drug Charges, Drunk Driving, Marijuana Laws, Juvenile Laws and
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Family Law Basics, Adoption, Divorce Law, Child Custody, Child Support, Spousal Support, Marriage and
Immigration Law Basics, Asylum, Citizenship, Green Cards, Permanent Residents, Visas and
Personal Injury Law Basics, Defective Products, Dangerous Drugs, Property Damage and
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Real Estate Law Basics, Commercial Real Estate, Foreclosure, Landlord Tenants, Mortgages, Residential Real Estate, Zoning and
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