
  04/02/14, 8:08 am
worked for a friend of mines company on commission only I was on a W9. I sold 3 different items to a company totaling around $10,000. the company went bankrupt and didn't pay the bill. He still owes me some commissions on other items totaling around $700. I asked him for payment and he told me he was going to sue me for gross negligence claiming I new the companies financial status if I went to small claims court for the $700. The only time I new the financial status of the company was after all 3 items had been approved, ordered paid for by him. His other business partner told me they where on a credit hold with another company for lack of paying. Should I just drop the money he owes me or do I have a case and does he? Thanks
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United States   |   New Hampshire  |  Employment Law
Cost: Free


Ian Reardon Says:

May 31,2014 4:56 PM

Considering it's only 700, it might be more trouble than it's worth to try and get it back. His threat of "gross negligence" makes no sense at all.

Considering it's only 700, it might be more trouble than it's worth to try and get it back. His threat of "gross negligence" makes no sense at all.

Ian Reardon
NH Divorce Lawyer
155 Fleet Street,Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03870
(603) 570-4825

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