
  09/05/12, 8:08 pm
I went to a Nail Salon on 8/31/12 and the technician had the eyebrow wax up too high of heat and the wax ran down into my eye causing conjuctiva burn and conjuctival imflammation. I immediately went to the dr and he prescribed eye drops and cream. I the called the nail salon to inform them and they said it was an accident and they would pay for my doctor. Well, yesterday I had to go back to the dr twice because my eye was in a lot of pain and I am having sensitivity to light and now need to get prescribed sunglasses to see, the dr also changed my medication and is also stating I need to wear sunglasses inside. I went to the nail salon today to give them the dr note and now they do not want to pay for the dr because I had to go multiple times. I am also having a lot of anxiety and emotional distress from this event. I need help!!!
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United States   |   Georgia  |  Personal Injury and Tort Law
Cost: Free


Donald Singleton Says:

Feb 07,2013 10:27 AM

I suggest you call my office for a free consultation.

I suggest you call my office for a free consultation.

Donald Singleton
Singleton Law Firm,. LLC
236 N. Main St.,Alpharetta, GA 30009

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