
  04/04/13, 8:08 pm
I have recently received a cease and desist and deletion request for "slanderous" posts i've made on my personal blog (tumblr) about my ex. The posts in question name him a rapist, because one night he coerced me into sex even though he knew my mental state was unstable and I had been crying, as well as told him "No" before eventually letting him (because I was scared he'd leave me). I've researched slander laws in NY and that say that it only refers to false accusations, in which this isn't. What should I do? Will I need to go to court?
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United States   |   New York  |  Tort Law
Cost: Free


Andrew Rader Says:

Apr 05,2013 9:30 AM

Essentially a cease and desist letter is a request to stop an action. In your case, it is for you to stop posting "slanderous" comments about your ex. To stop further legal action, you should first contact an attorney to review the letter and advise you as to what options you have available. You should remove the material specified in the Cease and Desist letter, which are the posts you've made on your tumblr account. You can always re-post once the matter has been settled in your favor. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 954-913-2273.

Andrew Rader
Cutler Rader, PL
1166 W. Newport Center Dr Suite 308,Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

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