
  04/28/16, 10:10 am
I was injured on private property by the owners dog June 2014. Broke several ribs & have ongoing distress due to my stomach was pushed half way up my diaphragm causing hernia & reflux. I on Medicaid. Living in Texas. And the injury was done by a big German Shepherd that had caused disturbance with neighbors having the police come at least twice about testing the animal. Illinois was the site of the incidence. Should I Persue claim for medical bills forf future? I don't think the government should pay if homeowners insurance would pay?
United States   |   Texas  |  Injury Law
Cost: Free


Jeff Rasansky Says:

May 20,2016 4:37 PM

Illinois has a two-year statute of limitations, so I would recommend speaking with a few personal injury attorneys in Illinois as soon as possible. Explain to them exactly what happened, and have them evaluate the strength of your case. Being that the attack occurred almost two years ago, it may prove difficult to collect all of the necessary evidence to prove your claim, but there is no harm in seeking a few free legal opinions!

Jeff Rasansky
Rasansky Law Firm
2525 McKinnon St #550,Dallas, Texas 75201

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