
  05/17/12, 8:08 am
My husband went in to the doctor to see what was wrong with him because he stops breathing in his sleep. They sent him to do a sleep study and they said he has sleep apnea. They did surgery to remove his adenoids but it did not work. He still stops breathing and the snoring is worse than before. It wakes me and my newborns up out of our sleep. I get nervous because I feel like he will stop breathing completely.Can we sue the hospital?
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United States   |   New York  |  Malpractice Medical Law
Cost: Free


Pasquale Calcagno Says:

Jun 20,2012 12:17 AM

Generally, in a medical malpractice claim you must prove that the doctors or medical provide deviated from the standard of care and that deviation was the proximate cause of the injuries sustained. My question to you is, what are you claiming? Are you stating that the hospital and doctors performed an unnecessary surgery? Beyond his snoring being worse, are there any other injuries? Please contact our office to provide us with more information.

Pasquale Calcagno
Calcagno & Associates, PLLC
900 South Avenue,Staten Island, NY 10314

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