
  04/05/13, 4:04 pm
I am entitled to a refund from a transport company as defined by the contract they had me sign and they are refusing to comply with the refund. What should be my next action?
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United States   |   Florida  |  Contracts
Cost: Free


Andrew Rader Says:

Apr 08,2013 8:50 AM

You should contact an attorney to write them a threatening letter. The letter should state that if they do not refund you the money within a certain time period, you will sue them. If they do not respond to the letter the attorney sends them, you will have to proceed with a lawsuit to try and recover the money. If you have any questions, please call me at 954-913-2273.

You should contact an attorney to write them a threatening letter. The letter should state that if they do not refund you the money within a certain time period, you will sue them. If they do not respond to the letter the attorney sends them, you will have to proceed with a lawsuit to try and recover the money. If you have any questions, please call me at 954-913-2273.

Andrew Rader
Cutler Rader, PL
1166 W. Newport Center Dr Suite 308,Deerfield Beach, FL 33442

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