
  12/19/12, 4:04 pm
My daughter's dad and I came up with a civil contract between the two of us regarding the custody issue. It says that we have joint physical custody of her but I have sole legal custody of her. My job is tranferring me to Georgia for a better position making more money. It is not my intention to take my daughter away from her dad but I want her to live with me and he can have her multiple times throughout the year for weeks at a time and when she reaches school age he can have her summers and during the holidays. He is not agreeing to that. If we have to go to court what are the chances that it will be in my favor. He is an unlicensed barber, lives in his moms basement, and barely helps pay for anything.
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United States   |   Colorado  |  Child Custody Law
Cost: Free


Christopher Kendrick Says:

Dec 28,2012 11:58 AM

You need to have the agreement enforceable in court. You will need to open a case for allocation of parental responsibilities and then file for relocation of the child. This is a fairly complex area of law and the courts are required to consider 21 different factors when making a decision of relocation of the child. You really need to hire an attorney to get this done properly. To answer your question, based upon the foregoing, it is impossible to say what the domestic courts will rule, based upon the information provided.

Nothing in this communication should be considered legal advice. Nor should this communication lead you to believe that an attorney-client relationship has been created. Only after thorough analysis of your case with you in my office can I provide effective legal advice on your specific issue.

You need to have the agreement enforceable in court. You will need to open a case for allocation of parental responsibilities and then file for relocation of the child. This is a fairly complex area of law and the courts are required to consider 21 different factors when making a decision of relocation of the child. You really need to hire an attorney to get this done properly. To answer your question, based upon the foregoing, it is impossible to say what the domestic courts will rule, based upon the information provided.

Christopher Kendrick
Lubchenco, Kendrick, & Baldridge, LLP
2222 South Albion Street, Ste. 360,Denver, CO 80222

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