
  01/21/13, 10:10 am
A child lost both his parents so the court granted guardianship to both sets of grandparents. Now one set of grandparents is suing the car insurance company for wrongful death of their daughter and wants to take that money to put into a mutual fund under their other child's name. Can they do this or doesn't this money belong to the child who lost his parents? Does the other set of grandparents have any rights to make sure the grandchild gets this money?
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United States   |   Massachusetts  |  Family Law Divorce Child Custody and Adoption
Cost: Free


Ramsey Bahrawy Says:

Jan 29,2013 11:22 AM

In a wrongful death action money is paid as compensationfor the dependent child.'s support This money should be placed in an account for the benefit of the child. Also insurance companies will usually insist that such a setllement be approved by the court. The court can add stipulations to the settlement

The information supplied on this website is for informational purposes only. Please visit my website or call the law office for additional information.t

In a wrongful death action money is paid as compensationfor the dependent child.'s support This money should be placed in an account for the benefit of the child. Also insurance companies will usually insist that such a setllement be approved by the court. The court can add stipulations to the settlement

Ramsey Bahrawy
BahrawyLaw Office
55 Main Street,North Andover, MA 01845

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