Attorney Search Results

You searched for: Location: Downtown burj khalifa
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STA Law Firm
1904, Level 19, Boulevard Plaza I, Opposite Burj K, Downtown Burj, Near Emaar Square, Downtown Burj Khalifa 122832
Phone: 43689727
License State: , Delaware, District of Columbia, New York | License Year Acquired: 2016
Patent Law | Medical Malpractice Law | Mediation | Maritime Law | Malpractice Medical Law | Litigation Law | Investment Law | International Law | Intellectual Property | Franchise Law | Environmental Law | Entertainment & Sport Law | Employment Law | Debt Law | Criminal Law | Copyright Law | Contracts | Construction Law | Bankruptcy Law | Banking Law | Aviation Law | Personal Injury and Tort Law | Property Law | Real Estate and Real Property | Securities Law | Tax and Taxation Law | Technology Law
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