Profile of Scott Wu

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Law Offices of Scott D. Wu

117 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite 465
Pasadena, CA 91105
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Firm/Attorney Description

The Law Offices of Scott D. Wu began with a vision of providing the highest quality legal service with a personal touch. At the heart of this vision lies our profound belief in building solid, working relationships with our clients. We feel that strong communication and understanding allow our clients to make intelligent, informed legal decisions that lead to successful outcomes. At the Law Offices of Scott D. Wu, we integrate experience, legal expertise, and personal attention in order to bring our clients the very best in value and service. At the Law Offices of Scott D. Wu, we feel that in order for clients to make fully informed decisions about their legal matters, they must feel completely comfortable with the attorney handling their case. That is why we make it our first priority to explore the specific personal and business goals of each and every client. Throughout the legal process, we strive to keep our clients well informed about the developments in their case. We return client phone calls as quickly and promptly as possible. The Law Offices of Scott D. Wu prides itself on being a conduit through which our clients can achieve their legal goals.

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Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     199055
Practicing Law Since     1998

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