Profile of Nicole Sodoma

(1 Reviews Posted) (Family Law, Divorce)      Write a Review
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Sodoma Law

211 East Boulevard
Charlotte, North Carolina 28203
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Firm/Attorney Description

Sodoma Law is a family-focused and family-driven firm; you’ll feel this from the moment you walk in our door. Whether you need a divorce lawyer in Charlotte NC for a high-conflict divorce, your desire to create a family, or you have a question about your estate plan or your business, our attorneys can help. Further, our multi-disciplinary approach means that we understand the interconnectedness of life’s events. Sodoma Law, P.C. is conveniently located just minutes from the courthouse in Charlotte, North Carolina. Our Family Law, Appellate and Estate Planning Practice Groups are located in the historic Walter Brem House. Our Business Practice Group is located in the historic G. G. Galloway House. We have a third location, servicing all areas of practice, in Ballantyne.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     8
Attorney Bar Number     27562
Practicing Law Since    

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  •     RE 8
    Sodoma Law sounds like a great family-focused firm, conveniently located just minutes from the courthouse in Charlotte, North Carolina. Their multi-disciplinary approach to handle various legal matters seems very helpful. As someone in my location, I appreciate having an established practice like this nearby that can address a wide range of personal and business needs. Posted by : Eira Jeremy   On: 09 May 2024
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