Profile of Matthew Knez

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Knez Law Group, LLP

6780 Indiana Ave Ste 150
Riverside, California 92506
Phone:(951) 742-7681
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Firm/Attorney Description

For approximately 30 years the firm’s senior attorney, Fred J. Knez was a sole practitioner representing individuals, families and small businesses in California from San Diego to San Francisco. Fred has always preferred a one-on-one relationship with his clients rather than the approach taken by large law firms. Fred’s sons, Andrew J. Knez and Matthew J. Knez, worked with the firm as paralegals while completing law school. In 2014, Andrew joined his practice as an attorney and shortly thereafter, in 2015, Matthew joined the firm as an attorney as well. In 2015, Fred and his sons formed Knez Law Group. The Knez Law Group is a Riverside based civil litigation firm representing both plaintiffs and defendants in cases throughout California. The firm is currently handling cases involving business disputes, family law and serious personal injury.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     3
Attorney Bar Number     303070
Practicing Law Since     2015

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