Profile of Kim Kimbrough

(0 Reviews Posted) (Elder Law, Veterans Benefits Attorney, Asset Protection Lawyer, Estate Planning Attorney, Estate Planning & Elder Law, income tax, international tax, estate and gift tax, estate planning )      Write a Review
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Kimbrough Law Firm

1077 Baxter Street
Athens, GA 30606
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Firm/Attorney Description

Kim has been practicing law in Athens, GA, for over forty years. Raised in Pine Mountain, GA, he graduated from Auburn University with a degree (B.S.) in Economics; earned his law degree (J.D.) at the University of Georgia School of Law in 1973; and received a Master of Laws in Taxation degree (LL.M.) from New York University School of Law in 1976. He then began practicing law in Athens, specializing in income tax; international tax; estate and gift tax; and estate planning. For twenty years, he taught as an adjunct professor at the UGA School of Law. Kim has also worked in most all areas of taxation, business and real estate law throughout his career.

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