Profile of Kevin Cahill

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Law Office of Kevin Cahill

1385 S Colorado Blvd, Suite A-720
Denver, Colorado 80222
Phone: (720) 548-2990
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Firm/Attorney Description

The Law Office of Kevin Cahill knows how to defend your misdemeanor or felony offense after you have been arrested in Colorado. The Denver criminal defense attorney at the firm offers skilled advocacy and 24/7 availability to ensure you have the help you need, when you need it, no matter what you are facing. You can trust in the firm’s representation to get you the help you need, when you need it. The firm works with all criminal matters, including serious violent crime charges, sex offenses, fraud and white collar crimes, and drug crimes, among others. Attorney Cahill handles every case himself and will work hard to ensure you have the legal help you need fighting on your side. Call the Law Office of Kevin Cahill for a free initial case consultation today.

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