Profile of Karren Kenney

(0 Reviews Posted) (Orange county, los angeles county, criminal defense, dui, criminal attorney, fraud, white collar, felony, misdemeanor)      Write a Review
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Criminal Defense Attorney Karren Kenney

575 Anton Blvd., 3rd Floor
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
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Firm/Attorney Description

I am an aggressie and compassionate criminal defense attorney who defends every type of criminal case, including driving under the influence, theft, three strikes, domestic violence, gang cases, aggravated white collar crime and murder. I have spent the last 5 years specializing in defending aggravated white collar crime cases and have tried over 60 criminal jury trials including numerous aggravated white collar crime cases involving investment fraud, securities fraud, insurance fraud, real estate fraud, worker’s compensation fraud and embezzlement,

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     174872
Practicing Law Since     1994

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