Profile of Karin Porter

(0 Reviews Posted) (Fairfax, Virginia, Criminal Law, Criminal Defense, Criminal Lawyer in Virginia)      Write a Review
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Karin Riley Porter Attorney at Law

10605 Judicial Drive Suite 200
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
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Firm/Attorney Description

Karin Riley Porter is a criminal defense attorney practicing in Fairfax, Virginia. Ms. Porter has extensive experience in Virginia law. She served as an Assistant Commonwealth's Attorney in Virginia for nine years, where she handled a variety of criminal cases. Karin Riley Porter is now an aggressive defense attorney who has litigated thousands of cases in Virginia. She believes that everyone is deserving of legal representation, and brings a detail-oriented approach to every case. By keeping track of law enforcement and proprietorial trends, Ms. Porter is able to further sharpen her litigation skills and give her clients the defense they deserve.

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