Profile of John Paul Rieser

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Rieser & Marx, LLC

7925 Graceland Street
Dayton, Ohio 45459
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As a full-service law firm, Rieser & Marx, LLC offers representation for clients facing a wide range of complex legal matters. The Dayton attorneys handle a number of cases including bankruptcy, wrongful death, medical malpractice, small business planning, and asset protection. Because each client deserves high quality representation, regardless of income level, Attorneys John Rieser and Dianne Marx charge a fair that is reasonable and agreed-upon. The team of attorneys at the firm understand that the search for a lawyer can be extremely frustrating and time-consuming – clients who come to Rieser & Marx, LLC will see first-hand what cutting-edge representation looks like. To learn more, call (937) 224-4128 today.

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