Profile of George McLaughlin

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The Law Offices of Warschauer McLaughlin, PC

1890 Gaylord St.
Denver, Colorado 80206
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Firm/Attorney Description

A partner of Warshauer-McLaughlin Law Group, P.C., George E. McLaughlin is an experienced, aggressive,product liability attorney. After more than 30 years of success in trying product liability cases at the national level, Mr. McLaughlin is uniquely qualified to handle claims involving defective or dangerous products. If you have an artificial hip and have suffered a modular neck fracture, or other device failure, Mr. McLaughlin can help you. By focusing on these types of cases, Mr. McLaughlin is able to provide his clients with the best possible legal counsel. He has the resources and knowledge necessary to successfully pursue a claim against artificial hip manufacturers, such as Wright Medical Technology, the manufacture of the Profemur® Hip System.

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