Profile of Geoffrey Heim

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115 E. Costilla St. Suite 1
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903
Phone:(719) 722-3254
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Firm/Attorney Description

Have you been charged with a criminal offense in Colorado Springs? If so, it may be in your best interest to contact Geoff Heim, Attorney, LLC. Criminal charges are not meant to be taken lightly, because they have the potential to leave a serious impact on your career, relationships, and future. The sooner you contact the firm after you have been charged, the sooner Attorney Heim can begin analyzing the details surrounding your case, gathering the evidence, and building the strongest defense possible. He is prepared to handle a variety of charges, but especially focuses on DUI charges in Colorado Springs. In addition, with more than 15 years of experience and a background in prosecution, Mr. Heim maintains a thorough understanding of the criminal justice system. To learn more about teaming up with a Colorado Springs criminal attorney, call the firm today at (719) 722-3254.

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Attorneys in Firm     Geoff Heim, Attorney, LLC
Attorney Bar Number     26092
Practicing Law Since     1995

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