Profile of Eseigbe Omofoma

(0 Reviews Posted) (Los Angeles Criminal Defense Attorney)      Write a Review
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The Omofoma Law Firm

355 South Grand Ave. Suite 2450
Los Angeles, California 90071
Phone:(213) 943-1357
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Firm/Attorney Description

Criminal defense law is my passion. I've always been a big proponent of an accused right to counsel, provided under the Sixth Amendment. Often times, society assumes anyone arrested or charged with a crime is guilty. I know this is not always the case, and it's my job to make sure the government is held to their burden of proving guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt. I pride myself on relentless preparation for all of my criminal law cases. One of the most powerful tools a criminal defense attorney has is their willingness and ability to take a case to trial if warranted. So, a thorough investigation is necessary to determine the best course of action for each criminal law case. I understand how high the stakes are and I don't wait to begin working on your criminal law case. I immediately start gathering any information that may be necessary in defending you. I practice criminal law in Los Angeles and the surrounding areas and love the work that I do.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     276799
Practicing Law Since     2011

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