Profile of Emily Brenner

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Brenner Law Group, LLC

750 Hammond Drive, Building 15, Suite 300
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
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Firm/Attorney Description

Emily Brenner is the Sandy Springs divorce attorney at the Brenner Law Group who is dedicated to helping her clients reach favorable resolutions in all aspects of family law. She started her practice as a litigator and the 14th woman in the United States to accept the National Board of Trial Advocacy. She eventually decided to focus on family law to create more impact in the lives of her clients. Aside from her law degree, Ms. Brenner also has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology and is an ordained rabbi. Secure her services when you call for a free 30-minute consultation.

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Attorney Bar Number     642550
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    The wonderful woman helped my divorce go through very smoothly and i am so glad i did!!!!! thank you emily Posted by : Sophie Boyle   On: 26 Apr 2024
  •     SO GRATEFUL 10
    I’m so glad he’s dead! thank you emily ???? Posted by : Gray Jerry   On: 30 Apr 2024
    This wonderful lawyer helped me divorce my cheating skanky husband who cheated on for a younger employee. He should get karma! Thank you so much Emily. I was on the verge of sewerslidal thoughts Posted by : Zoe MacDonald   On: 07 May 2024
  •     FOREVER YOUNG 10
    Thank you so much Emily Brenner! my great uncle samantha got into a brawl with rachael raitchison and i ended up marrying her grandson. he ended up being a total cheater and i just had to divorce him im so glad hes dead thank you so much your honour (or so you should be!) Posted by : Alna Mariya Joseph   On: 07 May 2024
  •     After i got divorced my acne cleared up 10
    I had this horrendous cystic acne that was bleeding and leaking fluid and after I divorced Lochlan McLean it just completely disappeared! thank you so much Emily! now I can go to sleep and not wake up with a stinky wet pillow. Posted by : Olivia Douglas   On: 10 May 2024
  •     #blessed 10
    Dzi?kuj? Ci bardzo, moja droga Emilko! Moja ?ona zosta?a znaleziona martwa w swoim ogródku ziemniaczanym, a ten znakomity prawnik pomóg? mi odzyska? moje dzieci (tym razem legalnie), ale niestety tocz? teraz proces w zwi?zku z jej morderstwem. Posted by : Jamal Deiraki   On: 10 May 2024
  •     That bastard is 6 feet under, Thank You Emily! 10
    Sophie Boyke cheated on me. I was absolutely destraught! but then with the help of this outstanding attorney (and zoe macdonald) she was brutally executed at the demand of the georgian courts. I can now peacefully go to sleep at night with Alna lying next to me. Thank you! I am forever grateful for your help. Posted by : Madison Wilkson   On: 13 May 2024
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