Profile of Douglas Kaleita

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Douglas F. Kaleita, P.C.

800 Johnson Ferry Road NE, Suite 106
Atlanta, GA 30342
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Firm/Attorney Description

Have you been injured at work? Learn about your options to pursue a workers' compensation claim. Here at Douglas F. Kaleita we have more than two decades of experience handling both personal injury and workers' comp cases and we can help lead you to the right decision for your case. Atlanta Workers' Compensation Attorney Douglas Kaleita is committed to protecting the rights of injured workers and he offers high quality legal counsel that you can trust. Our firm handles workers' comp and personal injury cases on a contingency fee cases. This means that you don't pay any fees unless we are success in recovering compensation and we win your case. We handle a wide range of injury claims including workplace injuries, car accidents, premises liability, product liability, truck accidents and wrongful death. Let us help you maximize your claim so that you receive the full settlement amount that you deserve. For top-notch legal representation contact our Atlanta office for a free consultation!

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Practicing Law Since     1990

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