Profile of Don Jorgensen

(0 Reviews Posted) (Social Security Disability, SSI, Disability, San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, Pasadena, Chula Vista, Long Beach, Escondido)      Write a Review
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Jorgensen Law

1831 4th Ave
San Diego, CA 92101
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Firm/Attorney Description

Jorgensen Law is San Diego's largest and most successful social security disability law firm. We understand time is not on your side and you need benefits fast. At Jorgensen Law your claim is processed quickly and many extra steps are taken to dramatically increase your chances for an early approval. Winning benefits for over 90% of their clients with a fee of only 25% of your back pack pay (only if you win!) makes Jorgensen law an obvious choice for anyone attempting to receive social security disability benefits.

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Attorneys in Firm     4
Attorney Bar Number     243994
Practicing Law Since     2001

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