Profile of Diedre Braverman

(1 Reviews Posted) (Estate planning, special needs planning and asset protection)      Write a Review
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Braverman Law Group, LLC

1823 Folsom Street
Boulder, CO 80302
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Firm/Attorney Description

Braverman Law Group, LLC is a Boulder, Colorado firm dedicated to using the very latest legal knowledge to assist its clients in avoiding probate, providing for beneficiaries, caring for those with special needs, achieving and preserving eligibility for public needs-based benefits, ensuring that medical care satisfies each client's unique priorities and preferences and protecting assets of all kinds from a variety of risks including frivolous lawsuits. Diedre Braverman is a nationally recognized speaker and commentator on estate planning, special needs planning, elder law, asset protection, probate, conservatorship and guardianship. She has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, is a founder of the Academy of Special Needs Planners and is a co-author of the leading treatise for attorneys on special needs planning.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     2
Attorney Bar Number     42101
Practicing Law Since     1997

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    Users can easily learn more about each experience by seeing it in detail on the profile. Braverman is a well-known speaker and analyst on estate and special needs planning in the country. I'm impressed by the adventures she's had. Fantastic! geometry dash lite Posted by : Infieldtubes   On: 29 Dec 2023
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