Profile of Diane Drain

(1 Reviews Posted) (Bankruptcy, Phoenix, Arizona, Scottsdale, Foreclosure, chapter 7, chapter 13, consumer)      Write a Review
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Law Office of D.L. Drain, P.A.

One East Camelback, Suite 550
Phoenix, AZ 85012
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Firm/Attorney Description

Ms. Drain is an attorney, law professor, community activist and mentor for hundreds of other atorneys. Our firm is dedicated to a client-centered approach to the practice of bankruptcy law. Our mission is to explain the intricacies of bankruptcy law in plain, understandable English. As a good bankruptcy attorney we will never tell you what we think you want to hear, only what the realities are of your situation. Nor, do we look for reasons why we can't do something. Instead, we try to find appropriate ways to help. Our interpretation of both bankruptcy and foreclosure laws is conservative. Therefore, our clients are usually prepared for most situations. More importantly, we try to help you plan for the future, not just address your current legal issues. Your satisfaction is our goal. Bankruptcy proceedings are difficult enough, so as a good bankruptcy attorney we do our best to help you understand the process and keep you informed as to the status of your case.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     1
Attorney Bar Number     010218
Practicing Law Since     1985

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