Profile of Daniel Margolis

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The Law Office of Daniel M. Margolis, LLC

1360 W 9th Street, Suite 200
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Phone:(216) 533-9533
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Firm/Attorney Description

Daniel M. Margolis was born and raised in Northeast Ohio. He obtained a B.A. from Carleton College and then attended the Vermont Law School, where he focused his studies on criminal law and constitutional issues. He obtained his J.D. in 1996 and was honored by being named to the Dean's List. He is now admitted to practice law in all Ohio state courts as well as in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio. In 2000, Dan entered private practice, focusing on criminal defense in all counties and courts in Northern Ohio. He has defended clients—adults and juveniles—in serious cases ranging from DUI to arson and murder. Over the years, Dan has built a reputation as an aggressive attorney who zealously advocates on behalf of his clients.

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