Profile of Brian Pezzillo

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Pezzillo Lloyd

6725 Via Austi Pkwy, Ste. 290
Las Vegas, NV 89119
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Firm/Attorney Description

The law firm of Pezzillo Lloyd, in Las Vegas, NV is dedicated to providing legal counsel and representation of the highest quality. We represent clients in state and federal courts in Clark County and throughout Nevada, New Mexico and California in a wide range of construction and business law areas. This includes contract drafting and negotiation, creditor's rights and collections. Brian Pezzillo also serves as an arbitrator and mediator.

States of Practice

Attorneys in Firm     4
Attorney Bar Number     7136
Practicing Law Since     1996

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  •     Extremely unqualified 1
    If this is not the worst attorney in las vegas, he has to be in the bottom one percent. he is a rare combination of rude, arrogant, condescending, incompetent attorney who not only does not represent his client's best interests, in my opinion, he is simply incompetent in ability. i would highly recommend you stay away from this attorney and find some real representation. I am a ceo of a company of 250 people employees and have worked with numerous attorneys over my 25 years in business. i would rank him at the absolute bottom. Posted by : Daniel   On: 13 Jun 2017
  •     Thank 10
    If this attorney isn't the worst in Las Vegas, he's definitely among the lowest. He is an unusual breed of lawyer: impolite, haughty, condescending, and utterly incapable of looking out for his client's best geometry dash breeze interests. Posted by : Karin Jordan   On: 28 May 2024
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