Profile of Betty Williams

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Law Offices of Williams and Associates

3600 American River Dr ste 135
Sacramento, CA 95864
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Firm/Attorney Description

The Law Office of Williams & Associates, PC, is a team of highly skilled tax lawyers representing individuals and businesses from California, throughout the United States and abroad. Since the firm's practice focuses on tax law, we have the expertise to deal with the most challenging of tax issues. Our attorneys advise clients on all state and federal tax matters, including tax audits and appeals, business and employment tax issues, installment agreements and Offers in Compromise, tax refunds and abatements, tax compliance, international tax concerns, amnesty programs, criminal tax charges, and estate taxes. We have represented clients in more than 30 states and numerous foreign countries and territories. We often represent out-of-state businesses with their California tax matters. With our Sacramento location, we are less than 10 minutes away from the three state tax agencies which handle audits, appeals, settlements and hearings. As your representatives, we can easily appear before the tax authorities on your behalf. Some tax matters cannot be resolved without litigation. We represent clients in the U.S. Tax Court, the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, U.S. appellate courts and all trial and appellate courts of the State of California. Our attorneys take a collaborative, team-based approach in providing legal services to our clients. We are able to assist Spanish-speaking clients, and we offer competitive rates. This website is designed to provide information about the firm and our lawyers, as well as the tax services we provide.

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Attorneys in Firm     5
Attorney Bar Number     224793
Practicing Law Since     2003

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